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how to avoid bloating

FOOD & Diet

Tips For Avoiding Feeling Bloated at Your Next BBQ

Summer means it’s time to fire up the grill for backyard BBQs and picnics, and while these get-togethers are a great way to celebrate the warmer weather with friends and family, typical BBQ fare like burgers, baked beans, and coleslaw can sometimes leave your insides feeling . . . a little less than happy.

But cookouts don’t have to equal tummy trouble! The key to avoiding feeling bloated (and rocking your newest summer outfit with confidence) at your next summer BBQ? Knowing what foods to fill your plate with and what foods to avoid. Try these easy tactics for keeping gas and bloating at bay all summer long.

Tips For Avoiding Feeling Bloated at Your Next BBQ

Avoid Gassy Veggies That Can Cause Bloating

While everyone digests food differently, there are some vegetables that are known to cause gas and bloating. Common culprits are cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, and onions. Certain fruits like apples and pears can cause problems, too. So, skip the coleslaw and opt for a salad instead.

Steer Clear of Fizzy Drinks

Bubbly drinks like sparkling water and soda seem like the perfect way to quench your thirst, but it’s not the best choice if you want to avoid bloat. The carbonation can trap extra air in your gut, leaving you with a swollen feeling in your stomach. Try opting for water flavored with berries, or even low sugar lemonade, to cool down on a hot day.

Slow Down

While your parents may have told you to eat slowly because it’s the polite thing to do, it’s actually good for your belly, too. Eating or drinking too fast can cause you to swallow air, trapping it in your stomach and making you feel extra full. So, even if your neighbor makes the best burgers in the world, resist the temptation to wolf it down and instead take time to enjoy every bite.

Skip the Beans

Sure, legumes like chickpeas, beans, and lentils are full of fiber and healthy protein, but some people have trouble digesting and absorbing a specific type of carbohydrate (oligosaccharides) in these foods. As a result, these specific carbs get shuttled to the colon where they’re fermented by bacteria, creating gas.

Feed Your Gut

Feed it healthy bacteria, that is! You’ve likely heard all about probiotics, but new research is starting to suggest that they may be able to reduce the frequency of gas.

Be Prepared

Sometimes, even all the preparation in the world can’t completely kick gas to the curb. For those moments when it sneaks up on you, keep a box of Gas-X Extra Strength Chewable Tablets on hand. Your tongue won’t realize you’re taking the number one doctor recommended ingredient for fast gas relief among OTC brands. But the rest of your digestive tract sure will.